The Challenge

Despite the fact that Kozy Heat was experiencing rapid growth and expansion, IT was holding them back from living up to their fullest potential and consuming time their management team didn’t have to spare. After experimenting with numerous IT companies, they found themselves still facing the same problems and still lacking a strategic path forward.

Kozy Heat was losing production time and working in an environment that was increasingly frustrating for everyone.


Kozy Heat needed an IT partner who could understand their gaps in production, identify areas for opportunity for the entire company and present solutions that made real-life, bottom-line impact.


We located the issues

We identified inefficiencies and risks in their operations that technology could improve. The issues were holding them back and causing frustrations.


Then we recommended a plan

Based on our findings and an assessment of their business plan, we developed an IT roadmap and budget customized to their needs.


And offered a better way forward

We standardized their IT environment which created a new level of reliability, eliminated time lost in production and put an end to the frustrating work environment for their team.

The Results

With an ongoing Thriveon CIO and dedicated help-team support, Kozy Heat will continue to see improved results, like these:

We reduced Kozy Heat’s open IT support tickets from 22 to less than six per month in just six months.

Each of their employees went from getting spammy emails of 50 per week to less than two.

With proactive IT support, we eliminated surprises and unexpected technology expenses and can now prevent problems before they happen.

With a Thriveon CIO on their team and more accurate data to drive performance, it’s easier to plan and budget for future growth.

With improved workflow across production teams, Kozy Heat is experiencing a boost in morale and increased production.

And, with a fast and reliable IT infrastructure, they have confidence in their ability to continue to grow.


"Thriveon truly focuses on the customer service side of the business. They impress us often with their support. And Thriveon is the first IT company that we found would prevent problems before they happen, rather than react to them after they happened."

John Kopstad, General Manager of Hussing Manufacturing/Kozy Heat

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We offer a whole different IT approach.

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